NEW PROGRAM! Get your art included in a gorgeous collaborative deck! 

Transform your relationship with creativity

So you can stop judging and start loving your art and the Creative Spirit within you!

Paint From Your Heart

Learn how to experience joy in the creative process and create heartfelt artwork you love. Get tips from me and other inspiring artists!

paint from the heart
Carrie Schmitt, artist, in her workshop with welcome text

Hello Beautiful Soul, 

I’m Carrie.

I make art, write books, and teach a loving approach to Creativity that can transform your art and life in miraculous ways.

I want you to know I see you:

Standing at a threshold, longing to unleash your Creativity but still feeling held back by your need to…
• control your work
• make art “right”
• follow the rules

Join me, and I’ll share how to listen to your Creative Spirit, which always knows the way when we surrender to its love.

Ready to discover what it means to be in devotion to your creativity?

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Carrie Schmitt's Sacred Products Shop

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Surround Yourself With Beauty

Carrie Schmitt's Original Artwork Shop

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Carrie Schmitt's online print shop artwork

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Carrie Schmitt's books available in her online shop

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little heart

Three Ways to Create A 

Loving Relationship With Your Art

Colorful abstract circle art by Carrie Schmitt

Flower Painting Club

Join my monthly online art club for painting lessons and an inspiring community of kindred creatives.

Online courses advertisement with bright graphics

Online Classes

Learn to paint expressive art. No matter what your level of experience, you’ll LOVE these self-paced art courses.

Carrie Schmitt's art retreat promotional image


Give yourself the gift of a transformational art experience! Make art, memories, friendships, and fill your soul with lasting JOY.

carrie schmit 9 pillars of creativity









Do you practice these qualities when you create?

When we do, it is easier to access them in all areas of our lives.

This is why we should be mindful of how we create rather than what we create.

Creativity offers us endless gifts when we learn to receive its transformative love.

Golden rose artwork by Carrie Schmitt

Free Offerings to Brighten Your Life

carrie schmit my favorite art supplies

My Favorite Art Supplies

Get my list!

Carrie Schmitt's artistic floral screensaver

Let your Screensaver Bloom

Free inspiring screensavers to brighten your screen.

Carrie Schmitt's Beginner's Guide Book Cover

The beginner’s guide to painting flowers

A joyful video tutorial.

My Story

I began painting in 2009 when I was bedridden after developing a life-threatening allergy to heat. I was unable to walk without reacting to my own body heat, and going outside was out of the question. I was experiencing intense grief, mourning the loss of the life I had known.

One day I heard a voice within say,

“Now that your life is over, you might as well do what you want and paint.”

flower PAINTING Club

Monthly Membership & Creative Community

I share everything I know about art, business, and the power of community with you to bring joy and growth to your art-making!

Join our beautiful virtual temple to prioritize your Creativity, create lifelong friendships, and make time for your beloved art practice because you deserve all the beauty a creative life offers!

Sherri's glowing testimonial for Carrie Schmitt's services
“I thought I was going to learn to paint like Carrie. But what I have really learned is the beauty of surrendering to the process.

Carrie holds space for women in such a way that people are comfortable opening up. She is wildly generous, and the friendships that have been built are unbelievable.”

— Sherri Allen, Flower Painting club member